Turn your knowledge into PASSIVE INCOME.

Learn to Use Digital Products & Real Estate to Create Passive Income FAST

The Passive Parent Way...

Hi, I'm Nana.

I help moms, parents, and entrepreneurs just like you create simple digital products for passive income and teach them how to use that income to buy real estate withOUT using banks or personal credit in order to build an automated passive income rental portfolio...

so they can spend more time with their kids, family, and friends, all while gaining financial freedom!

Using this path, ‘The Passive Parent Path’,

I help busy moms

spend more time with their kids, travel, enjoy life,

create financial freedom and legacy and of course

deposit checks into their bank account monthly with ease!

Three more ways I can help you.


The Passive Income + Chill Weekly Newsletter

Every week, I share practical guidance to help you start and scale your passive income business.


Deep-dive Digital Product

+ Real Estate Courses

Self-paced courses teaching you to find profitable ideas, build a business, and monetize knowledge.


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Passive Parent


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